Sculpture projects

This page contains several projects of sculpture to come, in sketch state today.

N°1: Eyeless man

A man without eyes is crouching in the middle of fragments. They look like puzzle pieces, and are actually facial fragments, but not just any fragments: those are the eyes. The man tries to choose, despite not seeing. But instead of putting them on his face, he is putting them on his body, as if he is trying to build a skin, a tack or to build himself with. But with all eyes on his body, he will continue to see nothing.

N°2: Untitled

Buildings erected on a half-immersed corpse, whose face barely leaves to breathe. From these buildings emanates a liquid brown / black oil that extends more and more and flows along the body. These buildings come out of this body and become higher and higher, while the body is more and more disappearing. What to say? What do you think? This body … is it them? Is that you ? Is it me ? And these buildings … is it them? Is that you ? Is it me ?

N°3: The Danse Macabre

Four characters are dancing around something which looks like a box. Taller than them, made of mirrors which reflect their own reflection, like water. The ground, where their legs disappear, represents their past… we don’t know exactly where they come from. We can have an idea, based on our own past… The box’s sides, which can be seen as a wall, where they dive head and arms, represent their future… we don’t know where they go to, neither do they.  They seem to enjoy of it but they seem also want to extricate from it.  But what is in the box ? Something we can’t name or define because we don’t know it ; something which seems fascinating, but also dark, endless and uncontrollable. So let’s dance !